Get To Know Me
Get to Know the Contributor’s- Christina Burruss I am an island transplant, originally from Hawaii, living on the mainland in...

A Crash Course in Hyrdoponic Growing
Photo credit: productiongrower.com Hydroponic growing is a form of growing plants using oxygen, a water-based system, and nutrient filled solution....

México, Un siglo de prohibición al Cannabis
Photo Credit: hockani.com Mexico, A Century of Cannabis Prohibition Se sabe que la planta del Cannabis no es originaria de...

Why Delta-8-THC is Gaining Popularity
Delta-8-THC is the cannabinoid closest related to delta-9-THC, accredited to the double bond in structure. Delta-8 has a double bond...

Autumn Blessings – 3 ways to Find & Work Your Own Healing Magic
“And all at once, summer collapsed into fall.”- Oscar Wilde The changing of seasons is overstated, and yet underappreciated (this...

Cannabinoids, The Entourage Effect, The Need for More Than Just CBD
Photo credit: medium.com High guys…I think we need to talk about something serious. *Sigh*… this thing between CBD and I?...

Living on Cannabis Farms, My Experience and Plans to Continue
In April 2020, before Covid-19 slowed my travel plans, I lived on hemp farms for about a month. Fern Valley...

Censorship on Social Media is the New Oppression
Photo credit: www.theregister.com Facebook oppresses me daily but allows hate speech, porn like content, and pedophilia. I am beyond over...

Cannabis Content Marketing Strategy For B2B
The following is focused around content marketing and selling Cannabis related products to wholesale B2B accounts . If you are...

Plants are Medicine – Even the Ones Called, Psychedelics
Image Credit: psypost.org “Know thyself—and know your medicine. As with any important new relationship in your life, take your time...
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