Delta-8-THC is the cannabinoid closest related to delta-9-THC, accredited to the double bond in structure. Delta-8 has a double bond located at the 8th position, and delta-9 has a double bond found in the ninth. The key difference between delta 8 and delta 9 is the process that they each bind to cannabinoid receptors. Delta 9 is responsible for psychotropic effects. Delta 8 is similar to CBD.
The Impact of Delta 8 THC
Delta-9-THC is the main intoxicating component found in Cannabis, but that doesn’t mean it is the sole compound that causes intoxicating effects. Delta 8 is said to be present in most strains of flower. Those that consume Delta 8 say that it has distinct effects, different from Delta 9. If ingested at high levels, Delta 8 is said to induce unmistakable psychotropic effects.
In plain English, Delta-8 has been described to offer a milder cannabis high, still effective, with a limited feeling of intensity, at least when described in comparison to the effects of the more common Delta 9.
Studies Showing the Potential Benefits of Delta-8-THC
Most cannabinoids share the same potential therapeutic benefits and each express identifiable value in treating certain conditions. Although the research around the benefits of Delta-8 are limited at this time, it has displayed potential with treatment of the following ailments:
Delta- 8 THC and Nausea
- The nausea fighting potential of Delta-8-THC was reported in a 1995 study published in “Life Sciences.” Patients ingested Delta-8-THC before and for 24 hours after cancer treatment. The study reported very few side effects.
- In 1995, Dr. Raphael Mechoulam, performed a study involving Delta-8 THC for treating pediatric cancer patients in Israel. Delta-8 THC clinical trials were conducted on a group of eight different children with ages ranging from 3 to 13 undergoing chemotherapy treatment for different cancers. Delta-8 was administered directly ahead of each dose of chemotherapy and then followed up at intervals of every 6 hours throughout a 24-hour time period. The study’s end result was very promising. When undergoing Delta-8 THC treatments, vomiting was completely prevented with side effects being insignificant.
Delta-8 THC and Cancer
- Aside from its powerful anti-emetic capabilities, the National Cancer Institute cites Delta-8 for possessing strong anti-anxiety effects. It is also cited that Delta-8 can increase appetite while displaying reduced cognitive effects typically occurring with THC.
Delta- 8 and Anxiety
- Weedmaps published an article with information from the U.S. National Library of Medicine, stating that Delta-8-THC displays anxiety-reducing qualities, similar to delta-9-THC. There is currently minimal clinical documentation investigating its anti-anxiety potential, but anecdotal reports claim that the consumption of Delta-8-THC results in a very calm, focused high, without the anxiety that can sometimes accompany delta-9-THC (strain dependent).
There is are a variety of Delta-8 shopping options online. Delta-8 is said to be effective and these products seem to be good for individuals seeking the various wellness benefits. To learn more about Delta-8-THC and find deals on great products stay tuned!
Written by: Ethan; Herbal Wehrhouse
Edited by: Veronica Castillo
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- Herb of Life Cultivation, LLC
- Korasana (with partner Zero Point Extractions)
- Peacock/ Wunderkind CBD
- The Botanical Joint
- The B Better Company
- The Magic Bean
- Portland Ashwagandha Farm
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