The Traveling Cannabis Writer

Black Owned in Cannabis- Vanguard Media Online

Up Close and Personal with Tiffany Watkins, Founder and CEO 

It is always a great pleasure to chat with a fellow business owner in the Cannabis industry. Discussing everything from the latest laws passed to what their favorite strain is, I always leave the chat/ discussion with something positive. Being a journalist and Cannabis advocate, if the person is an industry leader and has inspired countless women (and men!) over the last three decades to enter the space, that is golden!

This was my second time chatting with Tiffany and, again, what an amazing time we had! Her dedication to the cannabis plant speaks volumes to the highly inspirational publication her and the Vanguard team publish each month.

Not only did I get the scoop on what is to come for Vanguard Media in 2021, but I got to know Tiffany on a more personal level. We discussed everything from the reasoning behind her HIGHly appropriately deemed nickname “Lady Canna” to who inspires her on a daily basis.

About Tiffany and Vanguard Media Online

Tiffany Watkins, Founder and CEO of Vanguard Media Online / Vanguard Magazine was one of those chats/discussions that left me inspired. Vanguard provides a platform in hopes to bridge the gap between the sexes in the Cannabis industry by celebrating and honoring the women gracing it.

Before Tiffany Watkins became one of the most well know names in Cannabis, Tiffany had a career in technology – another male dominated industry. Being a strong woman in such settings, Tiffany has faced tough barriers at times, but always thinks back to her father’s words of advice to stay strong, no matter what.

Advancement and progression, something that Tiffany strives for daily, is a focal point on Tiffany’s favorite television show – Star Trek. She proudly calls herself a “Sci-Fi Nerd” and explained that the show is about what humanity might develop into, if it would learn from the lessons of the past, most specifically by ending violence and treating all as equals – an ideal world.

When Tiffany is not working, you can find her in the kitchen – most likely enjoying some Caribbean instrumental music and whipping up something delicious! She loves to bake (yes, she does make edibles) and she also loves to infuse teas. Traveling is another favorite hobby of hers, although covid-19 has not made that easy on any of us! Europe and driving across the United States are some of Tiffany’s most memorable trips.

Three Decades of The Good Fight

Today we, particularly those residing in Cannabis friendly states, do not face the challenges Tiffany experienced over the last thirty years as a Cannabis consumer and advocate. She has helped pave the way for all that consume Cannabis to heal and she continues to inspire others to do the same.

Destigmatizing the Cannabis plant and educating others on its many healing benefits has been Tiffany’s goal for thirty years. Through advocating, speaking, fundraising, and rallying like-minded individuals, Watkins met many different people, from all walks of life and varying reasons for consuming Cannabis.

She connected with many women that not only had similar beliefs but felt they could share their stories with Tiffany in a comfortable, safe setting. It was in the gathering of all these stories and the urge to re-share them to educate others, that Vanguard Magazine was born.

Tiffany was crowned “Lady Canna” by the groups of women that gathered to hear her speak on a regular basis. They could identify with her in a way they were not able to previously with male leaders in Cannabis. She has carried that title, with pride, ever since.

Vanguard’s Budding Future

When I asked Tiffany what 2021 has in store for Vanguard Media, I was excited when I heard the answer – EVENTS! There was also some talk about Vanguard abroad, but unfortunately, she was not able to go into more detail. Several women owned Cannabis businesses (I am proud to be one of them!) have partnered with Vanguard and do monthly giveaways and promotions, empowering and supporting one another. I cannot wait to see what Vanguard does next!

Words for Women in the Cannabis Industry

“Be strong in the male dominated world – educate others without throwing up on them!”, Tiffany exclaimed, when asked what advice she has for women in Cannabis. These inspirational words were taken to heart and continue to spur me to do just that. Being a woman in Cannabis, I completely understand the barriers that we face at times. We must not give up. We must stand together and stand strong. Educate, do not discriminate. As Captain Kirk would say … Let us boldly go where no man has gone before.

Written by: Canna PinUp

Edited by: Veronica Castillo

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