
I Earned My Degree…Because I Got High

“I even showed up to class after I got high; I even earned my bachelor’s degree because I got high; La da da da da; I’m singing this whole thing wrong because I’m high”, or whatever Afroman said!

Photo Credit: www.cleveland.com

Peace and cannabis everyone, I am Thee LadyyHaze and to put things short I am the Queen of all thing’s Cannabis, business development, spirituality, visual and digital art. A very fun fact you should know is that I am a complete goofball, love to laugh, and carry a dope personalityaround each day.

In May of this year, I earned my bachelors at the illustrious Clark Atlanta University. My under-graduate experience wasn’t very illustrious though, no like the university’s name suggests. Honestly, if it was not for Cannabis, the support of my best friend, friends and loved ones, my healing and manifestation processes would not be successful. 

For the last two years, my mental health has been on a damaging rollercoaster due to traumatic experiences from attending college. In 2018, I increased my Cannabis consumption because externally, I was a ticking explosion without control of my emotions. Every direction I looked, there was chaos. One day, I lost control, faith, strength, and hope of seeing a rainbow through my flood of rain.

My depression thickened by the days and isolation in a dark box was now my comfort zone. Do you know what my best treatment for happiness is? The balance between the love of someone and Mary Jane (oh, and water too)!

Unfortunately, I could not handle being a full-time college student, employee, young adult paying bills, and now a victim so, I dropped out of college then life went tragically downhill. As the days progressed, I smoked more blunts. I smoked with intentions to find my true purpose from my ancestors. I did not use cannabis as a “socialization tool” or “gateway drug”. 

Cannabis provided me with physiological and psychological benefits that helped treat my anxious and depressive episodes, thus, helping me gain easier access to my spiritual channel and meditative state.

“Mirror mirror on the wall, who was the highest of them all?” Honestly, I was. All of my classmates knew me as the stoner girl and I always smelled like a “walking pound” (I took this as a compliment). In reality, consuming cannabis each morning helped me get out of bed and tackle my most dreadful tasks each day. Without Cannabis, I woke up with the feeling unbalanced physically, mentally, and spiritually. 

This resulted in me saying “f—this”, rolling one up, and laying back down; it became self-care. Without cannabis, I would’ve lacked the tolerance and patience to attend my classes and would’ve procrastinated terribly! Attending class while being high helped maintain my focus and attention to the professor’s lecture.

Follow me on IG Thee.Ladyyhaze , TheeLadyyHaze and Twitter TheeLadyyHaze

I am open and available for new projects and opportunities. Email me at info@theeladyyhaze.com.


Written by: TheeLadyyHaze

Edited by: Veronica Castillo

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  1. I am so proud of you for what you have accomplished 🌸☮️ I am a nurse who has had enough of “the man” keeping us nurses from partaking in anything cannabis. We are denied jobs due to background checks, cannot work if we use cannabis, and heaven forbid we go on our own paths.
    Keep it up and if you have recommendations for a nurse to venture off into your realm please hit me up.

    1. Deana,

      I thought to reach out as my intention is based on caring. I am sharing FB group ATECAM Holistic Nursing. Check out their website. When you are ready, I can create an introduction with you and the President Terrence Shenfield. https://www.facebook.com/ATECAMLLC/?eid=ARBJXozLoABUgcxMVBossNkjd3TPmdFP9WfKuNt9Y9uC-ZsNBd059MB25ZJeuAjC9lwmwbJo0ZhaeiIQ&timeline_context_item_type=intro_card_work&timeline_context_item_source=100002460362145&fref=tag


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