My goodness- I did it! I finally found the courage to build my own- Vee Traveling Veg Canna Writer and the veetravelingvegcannawriter blog! I guess I should’ve known that this day would come, I was advised.
See, in 2015, I met Renee, a Medium in Dayton, OH. I went to see her because I was looking for answers. At the time, I was an impatient Aries that couldn’t wait for life to happen, I had to gain access to a sneak peek. I didn’t like surprises.
Renee told me that I was going to leave Ohio, because my mission was bigger than Ohio. She said that I would arrive at the decision to sell my house. The one that I had built from the ground up just 3 years earlier, and said that it would happen in March (I saw Renee in August). Renee said that I would leave Ohio and head west because I needed to use my voice to create change.
I had no idea what she meant. My voice? It’s true that I have always been opinionated but, I had no interest in standing in front of crowds to use my voice for any reason. Little did I know… this is what she meant!
My house sold in March. I downsized and stayed in Ohio for 2 years before breaking free. I left home for the road in July 2018 and headed west. When I got there, I started using my voice by way of writing. Renee called it!
And though I found my voice, I still felt a bit oppressed. My voice, tone, and anger are a little much for some publications. Many want to talk about the CBD trends, the newest infused edible, the new celebrity in the Cannabis industry, and how much money this industry is making. All of this is cool I suppose. We should know about everything happening in the industry- which is what I want to talk about and couldn’t find the space to do it.
You see, what I want to talk about is the long list of bullshit that we were all exposed to when Nixon and his boys initiated the war on drugs. I want to talk about why my black and brown community is the minority- but is the majority incarcerated in relation to Cannabis. I want to talk about a system that prohibits a plant but allows doctors to pump us up with opioids. I want to talk about the obvious fact that all lives matter but somehow, the masses forget that when discussing black lives.
I want to talk about employers being new age slave owners, and firing employees for consuming a plant, but allowing the other employees to charge company cards with alcohol. I want to talk about Cannabis and other plant medicines, including psychedelics, being cures for the worlds fuckery. I want to tell you all the truth from the mouths of experts, shamans, and educators from all over the world.
Some of this stuff isn’t fun right? But, it’s necessary conversation and so, the Vee Traveling Veg Canna Writer blog is all about that! We are going to educate, inform, inspire, and build community. I am not doing this alone though. There is no way that I could!
I have a team, and will continue to build a team, of very vocal and passionate Writers. We are not here for bullshit- we are here to educate the masses on the medicinal and overall life value off Cannabis, psychedelics, and other plant medicines.
We will cover travel in relation to plants, investments in relation to plants, businesses in relation to plants, body and mental health in relation to plants, weight loss in relation to plants, healing in relation to plants, and really- all thing plants.
My supportive tribe of engaged followers help make this happen too! I appreciate them so much because they want the truth! They aren’t just interested in the rainbow; they want to know the cause of the storm. This matters and I thank you!
Vee Traveling Veg Canna Writer Blog- Writers
Hello, my name is Terry Byas. I am originally from Illinios, and I live in Texas. I’ve written articles about Philosophy, Spirituality and Cannabis. I am also an author of my first book. I pride myself on being a sort of Cannabis Connoisseur, over the years.
Terry Byas, also known as, Having the Conscious Truth_81
Favorite strain(s): Girl Scout Cookies
How Cannabis heals you: Cannabis helps me with my blood sugar. Also, it helps me with my workouts.
I’m Mama Dom, aka Goddess Dom. I am a Magical Mama of 4 precious human children and a few plants. I am a writer, claireaudient, sonic healer, holistic heling coach and a cannabis advocate and user. I own and operate Green Hart Holistic, a plant based kitchen and apothecary. Our mission is to wake you up to the healing power you already possess and help you harness that power using crafted Earth items, including food and herbs.
Jessica Reilly is copywriter, content strategist and cannabis aficionado. She combines her passion for cannabis with her talent for writing at Jessica Reilly, Writer and runs the Cannabis Creative Blog. Connect with her on Instagram and LinkedIn.
Hannah Izer
Our Illinois based partner. Hannah writes with a specialization in the cannabis industry including strains, products, technology, education, and everything else connecting to the green plant
I am so excited to see what we all do! I appreciate you all for being a part of my team and a part of my village. Most things take the support of tribes and villages- I am so grateful for mine.
Written/Edited by: Veronica Castillo; veetravelingvegcannawriter
Sponsored by:
Korasana (with partner Zero Point Extractions)
Thank you all for supporting the mission of this blog by taking care of the Writers! With your support, we are able to educate, inform, connect, and break stigmas. Cannabis builds community, and we are grateful to you all for being a part of ours!
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